Mental Health/Disabilities

Nina Sandhu - Speech Therapist
Monday - Thursday 8:00AM-3:30PM
916-566-3485 ext 62126
Mental Health/Wellness services are provided to support children and their families to strengthen nurturing and supportive environments and relationships in the home and in the program. Social and emotional development is incorporated throughout our program and additional support is available onsite (i.e., consultations, in-class lessons, workshops, classroom support, and individual and friendship groups). In addition, outside resources and referrals are available.
Social Services
Social services are provided to support children within the family program. assistance and advocacy are also provided to ensure families get the services they need from community agencies. Other services include:
- Assessment of family needs established through the Family Partnership Profile (FPP)
- Goal setting established through the Family Partnership Agreement (FPA)
- Information about community services and how to asses them
- Referral and follow-up
- Training and educational workshops
- Crisis intervention in emergencies
Our school is here to help empower parents with the knowledge to improve the condition and quality of family life.
Children With Special Needs
Children with special needs participate fully in preschool activities. If needed, and Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed by the parents, teaching staff, speech/language pathologist, and psychologist as needed. It outlines the curriculum and special services that will be provided to meet the needs of the child and family as a whole. These services include:
- Interagency agreements for therapeutic services
- Mental health counseling
- Parent support groups and training
- Transition planning and referrals to agencies for ongoing care
- Educational workshops
- Staff intervention and training on an ongoing basis
- Provide Speech and Language services
Children with special needs can often learn successfully with other children in a regular educational setting with support services, and are included in the Head Start/State classrooms and school-wide activities. These children and their families are eligible to receive the full range of program services. Specialist staff is available to assist families with identifying and assessing appropriate services and programs.